Flash ESP8266 firware over the air (OTA) with espota.py
- 13 Jun 2018: Post was created (diff)
I have been spending a lot of time getting a setup I’ve been satisfied with for flashing my ESP-12F, but every time I improve it, I want to improve further.
Now I want to avoid having to physically connect to the ESP when I want to flash, and instead send the new image through the wireless network.
This is a continuation of my previous post about flashing using esptool
Download espota.py
The espota.py is a pretty small script that takes care of OTA updates. Download and set execute permissions for easy usage
$ curl -O https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/tools/espota.py
$ chmod +x espota.py
Now move that file to a folder in your path.
Prepare an OTA image
This first time, I have to be physically connected. When the OTA code has been added, it will listen for incoming connections on port 8266 by default, and expect a payload containing the new image to flash itself with.
Take a look at this snippet taken from the esp8266/Arduino GitHub repo (BasicOTA.ino)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
const char* ssid = "..........";
const char* password = "..........";
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Connection Failed! Rebooting...");
// Port defaults to 8266
// ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266);
// Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID]
// ArduinoOTA.setHostname("myesp8266");
// No authentication by default
// ArduinoOTA.setPassword("admin");
// Password can be set with it's md5 value as well
// MD5(admin) = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
// ArduinoOTA.setPasswordHash("21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3");
ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
String type;
if (ArduinoOTA.getCommand() == U_FLASH)
type = "sketch";
else // U_SPIFFS
type = "filesystem";
// NOTE: if updating SPIFFS this would be the place to unmount SPIFFS using SPIFFS.end()
Serial.println("Start updating " + type);
ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
void loop() {
This script doesn’t do much other than updating itself, and printing the progress to the serial output. But this is a great first script for testing that it actually works.
Build image
Update the ssid
and password
string variables before building the file
(for information about build.options.json, see my previous esp 8266 post)
$ arduino-builder -compile -logger=humantags -warnings=default \
-build-cache=$(pwd)/.cache -verbose \
-build-options-file=$(pwd)/build.options.json \
-build-path=$(pwd)/build \
This should produce a binary image file ota_test.ino.bin
Upload the image to the physically connected esp8266
$ esptool.py --baud 115200 -port /dev/serial0 write_flash --flash_mode qio 0x00000 ota_test.ino.bin
I can now use connect to the serial interface to watch its output while I try
to update over the air. The chip should print its IP address to the serial
output when it has connected successfully to the wireless network.
(I use minicom -b 9600 -D /dev/serial0
right now)
Update itself with the exact same image to verify that it’s working as intended. I use the IP address it has outputted to the serial output upon boot
$ espota.py -i -f ../build/ota_test.ino.bin
Update button trigger
Next up is adding code to read a GPIO pin connected to a button, to only call
when a button is pressed.
For example by putting this in setup()
a loop
definition similar to the following:
void loop() {
Serial.printf("button state: %u\r", digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN));
const unsigned short int allowOtaUpdate = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
if (allowOtaUpdate) {
Defining the BUTTON_PIN
like const unsigned short int BUTTON_PIN = 5;
connect a button to GPIO05 on the chip.
I am connecting this chip to a thermal receipt printer, so I will be able to read the serial output even though I’m not pysically connected to it.
- https://www.elecrow.com/download/ESP-12F.pdf

If you have any comments or feedback, please send me an e-mail. (stig at stigok dotcom).
Did you find any typos, incorrect information, or have something to add? Then please propose a change to this post.