DNS lookups times out and unbound trust anchors DNSKEY rrset is not secure

Revision history
Tags: dns dnssec unbound

DNS hostname lookups timed out, and by looking at the logs, unbound was giving errors when restarting

juli 12 11:53:12 unbound[1361]: [1361:0] info: generate keytag query _ta-3d98-4a5c-4f66. NULL IN
juli 12 11:53:12 unbound[1361]: [1361:0] info: failed to prime trust anchor -- DNSKEY rrset is not secure . DNSKEY IN
juli 12 11:53:12 unbound[1361]: [1361:0] info: failed to prime trust anchor -- DNSKEY rrset is not secure . DNSKEY IN

It was configured to use the following trusted-key.key trust anchor file

. IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAaz/tAm8yTn4Mfeh5eyI96WSVexTBAvkMgJzkKTOiW1vkIbzxeF3+/4RgWOq7HrxRixHlFlExOLAJr5emLvN7SWXgnLh4+B5xQlNVz8Og8kvArMtNROxVQuCaSnIDdD5LKyWbRd2n9WGe2R8PzgCmr3EgVLrjyBxWezF0jLHwVN8efS3rCj/EWgvIWgb9tarpVUDK/b58Da+sqqls3eNbuv7pr+eoZG+SrDK6nWeL3c6H5Apxz7LjVc1uTIdsIXxuOLYA4/ilBmSVIzuDWfdRUfhHdY6+cn8HFRm+2hM8AnXGXws9555KrUB5qihylGa8subX2Nn6UwNR1AkUTV74bU=
. IN DNSKEY 256 3 8 AwEAAYvxrQOOujKdZz+37P+oL4l7e35/0diH/mZITGjlp4f81ZGQK42HNxSfkiSahinPR3t0YQhjC393NX4TorSiTJy76TBWddNOkC/IaGqcb4erU+nQ75k2Lf0oIpA7qTCk3UkzYBqhKDHHAr2UditE7uFLDcoX4nBLCoaH5FtfxhUqyTlRu0RBXAEuKO+rORTFP0XgA5vlzVmXtwCkb9G8GknHuO1jVAwu3syPRVHErIbaXs1+jahvWWL+Do4wd+lA+TL3+pUk+zKTD2ncq7ZbJBZddo9T7PZjvntWJUzIHIMWZRFAjpi+V7pgh0o1KYXZgDUbiA1s9oLAL1KLSdmoIYM=
. IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAagAIKlVZrpC6Ia7gEzahOR+9W29euxhJhVVLOyQbSEW0O8gcCjFFVQUTf6v58fLjwBd0YI0EzrAcQqBGCzh/RStIoO8g0NfnfL2MTJRkxoXbfDaUeVPQuYEhg37NZWAJQ9VnMVDxP/VHL496M/QZxkjf5/Efucp2gaDX6RS6CXpoY68LsvPVjR0ZSwzz1apAzvN9dlzEheX7ICJBBtuA6G3LQpzW5hOA2hzCTMjJPJ8LbqF6dsV6DoBQzgul0sGIcGOYl7OyQdXfZ57relSQageu+ipAdTTJ25AsRTAoub8ONGcLmqrAmRLKBP1dfwhYB4N7knNnulqQxA+Uk1ihz0=

The file was created exactly one year ago, may be very relevant

$ stat /etc/unbound/trusted-key.key
  File: /etc/unbound/trusted-key.key
  Size: 1107      	Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 19h/25d	Inode: 1713967     Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2018-07-12 11:51:55.711871713 +0200
Modify: 2017-07-12 04:06:51.000000000 +0200
Change: 2017-12-22 20:06:08.430190698 +0100
 Birth: -

Looking around, I found a tool called get-trust-anchor which is a tool for fetching/refreshing DNS Root Zone trust anchors that also verifies the S/MIME signatures of the files. It worked great for downloading a new DNSKEY record and provided me with a file called ksk-as-dnskey.txt which contained a single record that was identical to the last record of my existing trust anchor file:

. IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAagAIKlVZrpC6Ia7gEzahOR+9W29euxhJhVVLOyQbSEW0O8gcCjFFVQUTf6v58fLjwBd0YI0EzrAcQqBGCzh/RStIoO8g0NfnfL2MTJRkxoXbfDaUeVPQuYEhg37NZWAJQ9VnMVDxP/VHL496M/QZxkjf5/Efucp2gaDX6RS6CXpoY68LsvPVjR0ZSwzz1apAzvN9dlzEheX7ICJBBtuA6G3LQpzW5hOA2hzCTMjJPJ8LbqF6dsV6DoBQzgul0sGIcGOYl7OyQdXfZ57relSQageu+ipAdTTJ25AsRTAoub8ONGcLmqrAmRLKBP1dfwhYB4N7knNnulqQxA+Uk1ihz0=

However, copying this to the unbound configuration directory (/etc/unbound/ksk-as-dnskey.txt) and using it as the new anchor file worked great. Maybe unbound was trying to use the first record of my original file?

My working unbound configuration now looks like this:

  use-syslog: yes
  username: "unbound"
  directory: "/etc/unbound"
  trust-anchor-file: /etc/unbound/ksk-as-dnskey.txt
  tls-cert-bundle: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

  name: "."
  forward-tls-upstream: yes
  # End-of-line comments (no spaces!) are used for TLS hostname verification
  forward-addr: 2a01:3a0:53:53::@853#unicast.censurfridns.dk

Remember to restart the service after configuration changes

# systemctl restart unbound


If you have any comments or feedback, please send me an e-mail. (stig at stigok dotcom).

Did you find any typos, incorrect information, or have something to add? Then please propose a change to this post.

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