Different query results with single and double quotes in InfluxDB queries

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Tags: influxdb

I was getting different results for seemingly identical queries in influx CLI and in my Go code. The problem appeared to be a difference between single and double quote handling in the InfluxDB query language.


The below query returns an error since subscription without any quotes is actually an InfluxDB keyword. Fair enough – I received an error!

SELECT * FROM azureCosts
WHERE subscription = 'Datahub' AND
      costsReport = 'total' AND
      time = 1580860800000000000

ERR: error parsing query: found SUBSCRIPTION, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 32

This one, single-quoting all tag names and string values returns an empty result set, but there’s no error:

SELECT * FROM azureCosts
WHERE 'subscription' = 'Datahub' AND
      'costsReport' = 'total' AND
      'time' = 1580860800000000000

The next one, double-quoting subscription and the string values also returns an empty result set:

SELECT * FROM azureCosts
WHERE "subscription" = "Datahub" AND
      costsReport = "total" AND
      time = 1580860800000000000

While this last one worked as I intended:

SELECT * FROM azureCosts
WHERE "subscription" = 'main' AND
      costsReport = 'total' AND
      time = 1580860800000000000

The above query describes: get me the first row where subscription tag equals the string value main and costReport tag equals the string value total and time is equal to the given timestamp, specified in nanoseconds.

After I finally figured it out, I knew what to search for. A blog post from InfluxData pointed me on to the InfluxDB v1.7 FAQ, stating the following:

Single quote string values (for example, tag values) but do not single quote identifiers (database names, retention policy names, user names, measurement names, tag keys, and field keys).

Double quote identifiers if they start with a digit, contain characters other than [A-z,0-9,_], or if they are an InfluxQL keyword. Double quotes are not required for identifiers if they don’t fall into one of those categories but we recommend double quoting them anyway.

Debugging tips

You can see incoming queries in the influxdb systemd unit logs as they come in

# export DB=my_database
# journalctl -fu influxdb | grep --line-buffered $DB | grep -oP 'query=\K.+'
"SELECT * FROM cloudcost_dev.autogen.azureCosts WHERE \"subscription\" = 'Datahub' AND costsReport = 'total'"

If you have any comments or feedback, please send me an e-mail. (stig at stigok dotcom).

Did you find any typos, incorrect information, or have something to add? Then please propose a change to this post.

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