My (expanding) list of usage notes for Nix, NixOS and NixOps

Warning: This post is a draft and is to be considered unfinished. The content might be of poor quality, might not have been tested thourughly, or can even be misleading!
Revision history
Tags: nixos draft

Manual page sources

When it comes to Nix, there are some different manuals which overlaps in terms of , however, they don’t contain the same amount of information. In order to find all information available for a certain topic you might look for, prepare to look through all of the following sources:

Package management

Search for package

$ nix search packagename

Use variable as map/object key

  customUser = "stigok";
in {
  users.extraUsers = {
    ${customUser} = {
      systemUser = true;
      description = "This is a user called ${customUser}";

Check a file for syntax errors

$ nix-instantiate --parse <file>
$ nix-instantiate --parse myfile.nix

Pass function arguments with nix-instantiate

$ nix-instantiate --arg config <val1> --arg nixpkgs <val2> myfile.nix
$ nix-instantiate --arg config '{}' --arg pkgs '<nixpkgs>' --eval postgresql.nix

Reference: slack1256 #nixos @

Inject config and services variables to the nix repl

This has to be run on a machine running NixOS itself

$ nix repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>'
> config

Reference: energizer bqv[m] clever #nixos @

Install a package for current user

$ nix-env -iA nixos.thunderbird

This will make the package available for the current logged in user only, except when logged in as root, which will make it available for everyone.


Fetch git repository from private server over SSH

pkgs.fetchgit does not use the local ssh_config. Use builtins.fetchGit instead.

src = builtins.fetchGit {
  url = "ssh://";
  ref = "master";
  rev = "f8bdc053406ad28ef4b6cbb29e418ce69f31f05f";


Change package source to subdirectory after fetchGit

I have a monorepo with multiple utility programs inside. I have to change root to a subdirectory, using sourceRoot, after I’ve downloaded its sources.

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
    package = (import ./default.nix { inherit pkgs system; }).package;
    newSrc  = builtins.fetchGit {
      url = "ssh://";
      ref = "master";
      rev = "f8bdc053406ad28ef4b6cbb29e418ce69f31f05f";
    package.overrideAttrs (old: {
      src = newSrc;
      sourceRoot = "${newSrc.outPath}/{package.packageName}";

The original package derivation resides in ./default.nix and the package tree that fetchGit downloads looks like this:

I can now build the overridden package using nix-build override.nix.


Create a tar archive of a fetchGit

The title could have been “create a tar archive”, but using it straight after builtins.fetchGit is what I needed to know.

gitSrc = builtins.fetchGit {
  url = "ssh://";
  ref = "master";
  rev = "c3c4be782efd79518ddbac006a7fcb3532c35f7e";
tarSrc = runCommand "tar-src" {} "${gnutar}/bin/tar -cf $out ${gitSrc}";

tarSrc now contains a path to the tar file.


Determine NixOS machine architecture

To figure out what architecture your box is running, you can run nix-info or for example nix-eval:

$ nix-info
system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.3.3, channels(username): "", channels(root): "nixos-19.09.2213.71c6a1c4a83", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos

$ nix eval nixpkgs.system

NixOps: switch-to-configuration throws error deployment fails

trivial> /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration: line 3: use: command not found

I was getting erros while attempting to deploy to a specific machine in my NixOps deployment. It’s a 32-bit Jetway box, and so it needs 32-bit packages. When deploying from a different architecture, like in my case, a 64-bit intel, nixops needs to know what system it is targetting explicitly.

  network.enableRollback = true;
  network.description = "private infra";
  nix =
    { resources, ... }:
      imports = [
      deployment.targetHost = "";
      nixpkgs.system = "i686-linux";


Use a specific channel for nixos-rebuild

Add the desired channel/version

$ nix-channel --add${NIXOS_VERSION} nixos-${NIXOS_VERSION}
$ nix-channel --update

Then reference the channel by path in ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/<channel>/nixpkgs

$ nixos-rebuild build -I ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-${NIXOS_VERSION}/nixpkgs

Reference: clever #nixos @

Use a different configuration.nix file for nixos-rebuild

$ nixos-rebuild -I nixos-config=./configuration-21.11.nix


If you have any comments or feedback, please send me an e-mail. (stig at stigok dotcom).

Did you find any typos, incorrect information, or have something to add? Then please propose a change to this post.

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