Python 3: pitfalls, tips and tricks

Warning: This post is a draft and is to be considered unfinished. The content might be of poor quality, might not have been tested thourughly, or can even be misleading!
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Tags: python talk draft

I wanted to write a post about some common things I see when reading and writing Python scripts. I’m also including some thoughts on how to keep the code clean and readable, and making the most of the tools already built into the standard Python library.

This post will be continously updated as time passes by. I will eventually present it as a talk.

String Interpolation

We have some different methods to choose from when it comes to string interpolation. Some times it might be nice enough to just concatenate:

Concatenating Strings with Variables

def html_list(strings):
    """Takes a list of strings and returns a HTML unordered list"""
    html = "<ul>"
    for s in strings:
        html += "<li>" + s + "</li>"
    html += "</ul>"
    return html

print(html_list(["light", "sun", "moon", "water"]))
# <ul><li>light</li><li>sun</li><li>moon</li><li>water</li></ul>

but when more than two strings are concatenated with variables, it tends to get messy, hence, decreased readability.

Building an HTML string, like in the example above, but with multiple interpolation, will quickly get messy if we need to do it a lot. Creating a string containing a HTML element with multiple properties might look like something like this:

params = dict(color="#FF9900", value="Orange", hover="A fruit that tastes good")
html = '<span style="display: inline-block; padding: .5em; background-color: ' \
       + params["color"] + ';" title="' + params["hover"] + '">' \
       + params["value"] + '</span>'
# <span style="display: inline-block; padding: .5em; background-color: #FF9900;" title="A fruit that tastes good">Orange</span>

Since this is a fairly long string, and we already have the params stored in a dict, it’s a perfect suit for str.format().


This is a good choice when you want to use the same argument more than once in a single line, or when you want to apply special formatting to the variables.

Interpolating values in a dict

The same example as in plain concatenation, but now using str.format. This function accepts both positional and keyword arguments, which lets us take advantage of dictionary item unpacking, using the ** syntax.

params = dict(color="#FF9900", value="Orange", hover="A fruit that tastes good")
html = '<span style="display: inline-block; padding: .5em;' \
       'background-color: {color};" title="{hover}">{value}</span>'
# <span style="display: inline-block; padding: .5em;background-color: #FF9900;" title="A fruit that tastes good">Orange</span>

You can see how this immediately makes this easier to follow by removing the clutter with open/close quotes and + signs.

Other great uses for str.format() not covered here:


The f-strings comes in handy when writing strings containing multiple variables of basic types. With basic types, I mean types link str and int that hold simple values, in contrast to a dict where we will have to reference the items using the ["key"] syntax.

thing = "luna"
nickname = "moon"
print(f"There is a {thing} that looks really nice. It's called {nickname}")
# There is a luna that looks really nice. It's called moon

I think it makes more sense to use f-strings when writing long, multilined strings, as you can easily read what variables will be filled in where, without having to read the arguments passed to e.g. str.format(). They act very similar, but we dont’ have to call the function to format the string, which is a nice bonus.

An example function to create a systemd service file:

def systemd_service(*, binary, description=""):
    return f'''


svc = systemd_service(binary="/bin/nc -lkuv 3000",
                      description="Listen for UDP connections on port 3000")
#     [Unit]
#     Description=Listen for UDP connections on port 3000
#     [Service]
#     Type=simple
#     ExecStart=/bin/nc -lkuv 3000
#     Restart=always
#     RestartSec=10

% (percent) formatting

Very good to keep syntax clean.


The syntax actually expects a tuple after the %, so the following will fail

s = [1, 2, 3]

Cheap Type Safety

Type assertions

I am not leaning on type safety when writing Python, but some times I still want to have explicit type checks to keep my head clean at write-time, while at the same time improving the readability of the function body.

def generate_cert(*, name, hostnames):
    assert isinstance(name, str), "name should be a string"
    assert isinstance(hostnames, list), "hostnames should be a list"

    domains = ",".join(hostnames)
    cmd = f"certbot certonly --domains {domains} --cert-name {hostnames[0]}"
    return subprocess.check_output(cmd)

This immediately helps understand what the expected types of the arguments are, while at the same time throwing AssertionErrors if the assertions fail. This can save you time and potential headaches while writing or debugging.

Warning: assert statements are ignored when __debug__ == False, i.e. when Python is started with optimisations enabled (python -O).


If you are simply re-throwing the exception you’ve caught, you don’t have to assign it to a variable if you’re not going to process it.

Instead of the following:

    throwing_code("some value")
except ValueError as e:
    raise e

We can instead re-throw the caught exception in the exception handler implicitly by not passing any arguments to raise.

    throwing_code("some value")
except ValueError:

See the logging section for neat ways to log exceptions.


Get a dict of class members/variables

For this purpose, there’s a bultin module inspect.

For an example class Page I have a bound method render that uses the class instance variables to render a template file.

# demo function
render_template = lambda a, b: print(a, b)

class Page:
    site = ""

    def __init__(self, title, body):
        self.title = title
        self.body = body

    def render(self):
        render_template("page.tpl", dict(, title=self.title, body=self.body))

p = Page(title="hello", body="world")
# page.tpl {'site': '', 'title': 'hello', 'body': 'world'}

As you can see, I am passing all the members to the render_template function. In this example, the amount of variables is no big deal, but if it’s more it might be a problem. To avoid having to manually pass all the variables to the render function, while at the same time making the render method more generic, I can generate a dict of the variables and pass that along instead.

import inspect

# demo function
render_template = lambda a, b: print(a, b)

class Page:
    site = ""
    license = "copyleft"
    contact = ""
    foo = 1
    bar = 2

    def __init__(self, title, body):
        self.title = title
        self.body = body

    def render(self):
        # Ignore member names that start with underscore or are bound methods
        data = dict(
            (k, v) for k, v in inspect.getmembers(self) if not k.startswith("_") and not inspect.ismethod(v)
        render_template("page.tpl", data)

p = Page(title="hello", body="world")
# page.tpl {'bar': 2, 'body': 'world', 'contact': '', 'foo': 1, 'license': 'copyleft', 'site': '', 'title': 'hello'}

inspect.getmembers will return all members, including Python’s builtins, so it needs some filtering to fit your needs.


String interpolation

Something I often see is using str.format(...) or "%s:%s" % (a, b) expressions when using the logging library.

import logging

name = "world"
age = 42
logging.error("hello {0:s}, I am {1:d} years old".format(name, age))
# ERROR:root:hello world, I am 42 years old

However, string formatting is already built into logging.* functions, but without the positional syntax. Very often we don’t need to log the same variable more than once in a single log line, so we can get away with using the supported %<type> syntax.

import logging

name = "world"
age = 42
logging.error("hello %s, I am %d years old", name, age)
# ERROR:root:hello world, I am 42 years old


In the following lines we are catching the exception and assigning it to e.

import logging

def generate_cert(domain):
    raise ValueError("invalid domain: %s" % domain)

for host in ["", ""]:"Generating cert(s) for %s", host)
        output = generate_cert(host)
    except ValueError as e:
        logging.error("Failed to generate cert:")
# ERROR:root:Failed to generate cert:
# ERROR:root:invalid domain:

We don’t actually have to assign the exception to e if we only want to print it. logging.exception() lets us write an error message and automatically adds the exception message to the log line.

import logging

def generate_cert(domain):
    raise ValueError("invalid domain: %s" % domain)

for host in ["", ""]:"Generating cert(s) for %s", host)
        output = generate_cert(host)
    except ValueError:
        logging.exception("Failed to generate certs")
# ERROR:root:Failed to generate certs
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<stdin>", line 9, in <module>
#   File "<stdin>", line 4, in generate_cert
# ValueError: invalid domain:

This gives us clean code and a clean error message – with a stack trace, and we don’t assign the ValueError to a variable.

Note that logging.exception() should only be called inside an except block (exception handler), and that we should not pass the exception itself as an argument.

# Don't do this
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    logging.exception("Failed to generate certs", e)


If you have any comments or feedback, please send me an e-mail. (stig at stigok dotcom).

Did you find any typos, incorrect information, or have something to add? Then please propose a change to this post.

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